Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cat Grooming....Really?

So, as I sit here doing my first blog, sitting next to my snoring Max, I am contemplating something I think that would really make me happy.

Many don't consider cat grooming, when dog grooming seems to be the more commonly known. It was during an emergency visit to a veterinarian, that I found myself alternating between praying for my Alex and trying to distract myself with worry by watching the groomers next door. The groomers really seemed to enjoy themselves, and I was thinking that would love to do something like this but, of course, I want to work with cats...right?!

So I decided to do some research on cat care and grooming and found that there were only a handful of pet grooming schools that were actually hands-on (many were online) and 95% were focused on canines not felines.

And yet there are way more cats owned than dogs (if cats can be owned!)

So what does this mean, you ask...well, after much research I found the National Cat Groomers' Institute of America (http:/ in Greenville, SC. What I like about this Institute that it is 100% cat and not only covers safe grooming techniques, but really provides hands on care and knowledge about these wonderful creatures with very distinctive personalities.

I'm hoping to go in May 2012. One of the things I would like to do when I am finished is to volunteer my grooming services to volunteer organizations like the ASPCA and the Humane Society...why you may ask? Well first and foremost, after any emergency care is given by a veterinarian the next goal is to get them prepared for a good home and I really believe that EVERY CAT DESERVES A HOME!

So as you can see there is a donation button on my blog...initially 50% of all donations will be going to either the local humane societies that provide free/low cost neutering and spayng or the ASPCA which rescues animals. The other 50% will be going towards my cat grooming education. Once I have completed the schooling, that 50% will be going directly to the costs associated with working with the ASPCA/Humane Society.

So thank you in advance!

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